Data security and compliance
Revision Date: March 18, 2022
Your privacy is very important to all of us at Therapy Box. We have established this privacy & security procedures document to explain some of the execution details associated with our Privacy Policy. It further explains how user data is protected when you use our websites at therapy-box.co.uk, our applications, and/or our services.
Existing Standards
Although our company is not required to comply with HIPAA standards (it is not a covered entity under HIPAA, and is not a business associate of any covered entity under HIPAA), we still strive to comply with, and assist Account Owners with complying with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Many of the procedures outlined in this document were created using the best practices for complying with the above laws and regulations.
Data destruction
Users can delete data from their account at any time by logging into the software and deleting their caseload. The Company is not required to retain data after a practitioner terminates their account. All data associated with a terminated account will be scheduled for deletion.
Data encryption
We are committed to ensuring your information is secure. Data collected on the app is transmitted via transport layered security (https), and recordings are stored encrypted at rest on Amazon Web Services.
Your account, and any data you submit, will be accessible via your login. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that your login credentials remain secure and confidential. You agree to choose a password secure and complex enough that it cannot be easily guessed or accessed. You agree to not disclose your credentials to any other person or entity. We are not liable for any loss or damage caused by nonadherence with these terms.
Access authorisation
In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Customer data is securely stored on password-protected accounts. User passwords are required to be of sufficient complexity to create an account.
Data Collection and Storage
As part of VocaQuest, our website will record the audio of children’s responses to a various speech and language tasks:
Speech Sound Screener, in which recordings are taken of the production of individual words, so that a therapist can review the recordings when assessing these productions.
Fluency Screener, in which a longer recording of an extended period of speech is taken. This recording is analysed by our automated services to estimate the amount of syllables in the speech, and to detect the separation of speakers and parts of speech. This service simply detects segments of separate speech speakers, with no identification attached to these segments. The purpose of this is to provide a more accurate syllable count so that the therapist can assess fluency. Then the recording can be reviewed by the therapist.
Speech Sampling, in which a longer retelling of a story is recorded. The story is then automatically transcribed, and automatically analysed for phoneme errors. The therapist can also review this recording.
Voice Screening and Therapy, in which the recordings of a client's voice is analysed for pitch and volume data, from which targets can be created. This recording can be played back from the Report.
The following data is also collected at the creation of a child profile:
Age: The Birth Month and Birth Year of the user is recorded so that their performance in various activities can be assessed against standardised, research-backed ages of speech and language ability. We don’t require the exact Date of birth.
Biological Sex: It is optional to submit this data, and is purely for the reference of the practitioner.
Language: It is optional to submit this data. It is also important for us to know what your first and second language is. It is important for us to understand whether English is your primary or secondary language, and could be useful for the practitioner during therapy.
Speech/Language disability: It is optional to submit this data. We collect this as it is important information for a practitioner to be aware of when assessing and treating speech and language disorders.
Other Disability: It is optional to submit this data. We collect this as it could be important information for a practitioner to be aware of when assessing and treating speech and language disorders.
Guardian Email Address: It is optional to include this. It is the email address which activity invites will be sent to.
Client Identifier: A unique identifier chosen by the practitioner for the client. There are no requirements for the format of this identifier, so it is at the users sole discretion how identifiable this value should be.
In addition to this, we will record performance on the app’s various activities. This allows the practitioner to track progress over time through a system of goal setting. Performance will also be stored in a report for each activity completed. If any audio recordings are taken, these will also be accessible via the report.
Voice memos: It is optional for the practitioner to record voice memos in certain activities. This allows the quick and easy taking of voice notes and can help when the practitioner is reviewing activities.
For all instances of recording, we have no influence over the type of audio data that any user records. It is your responsibility to ensure that recorded audio data is appropriate.
We do not store the identification of any child. Practitioners are asked to create a unique identifier for each client. Name, or any other identifying information, is not required.
We collect your data in a manner to ensure that it won’t identify you. We do this by collecting data which cannot be used to identify the person providing it. To prevent you or your child from being identified from the data we collect, we only collect specific elements of your personal data, and do not associate this data with the name of the child. When recording the age of the participant, we only collect their Birth Month and Year.
The GDPR does not apply to personal data rendered anonymous in such a manner that the data subject is not or no longer identifiable (Recital 26 of the GDPR). Consequently, the GDPR’s remit does not apply to the data collected in VocaQuest. Any data you submit can be removed upon request. Please email us at support@voca-quest.com or info@therapy-box.co.uk to request the removal of your data.
There are two different ways in which we store your data. All the data you fill in during when you create a profile, and the analytics on the back of your performance on the assessments is stored in Amazon Relational Database services. All of the audio recordings you provide are stored on Amazon S3.
The anonymised data collected in Voca Quest is not intended for use in any future projects. Should any new features projects be planned in which such data could be useful, data will not be used without explicit consent from each individual user . The only situation in which Therapy Box will share your data with a Third-Party is if we’re required by law to do so.
Terms and conditions
Your privacy is very important to all of us at Therapy Box. We have established this privacy & security procedures document to explain some of the execution details associated with our Privacy Policy. It further explains how user data is protected when you use our websites at therapy-box.co.uk, our applications, and/or our services.
Voca Quest is an online platform composed of a range of tools that can be used by speech and language therapists with their clients either in person, remotely or by the client independently. The tools include checklists based on general age based normative data (e.g. milestones related to speech and language development), tools for measuring voice, speech and fluency characteristics (such as loudness (dB), number of syllables, pitch). Both of these types of tools can be used as information for the clinician to plan management for their clients.
In addition there are ranges of materials that are similar to current paper based tools used by speech and language therapists to deliver therapy programmes, such as flashcards grouped by sounds or language areas, games for practicing social skills and interactive worksheets for working on grammar and vocabulary. The client’s performance can be counted either automatically or manually and is tallied for the therapist to view progress over time.
Voca Quest is a supporting tool, offering resources to support Speech and Language professionals. Voca Quest is not intended as a replacement for a professional diagnosis or professional treatment planning. You agree that you will not use Voca Quest solely to perform clinical diagnoses or treatment, without consulting a Speech and Language professional.
Therapy Box may, at its sole discretion, make changes to these Terms. The Terms ware identifiable by the publication date and will be effective immediately upon being published. Your use of the Material after changes to the Agreement become effective constitutes your acceptance of such changes.
By using Voca Quest, you agree to not use Voca Quest in any unlawful manner.
Therapy Box is committed to protecting the privacy of anyone who uses the app and therefore, we will always inform you what personal data we obtain, use and store. Details of this can be found in the Data privacy procedures below.
Any information presented on or through Voca Quest is made available solely for general information purposes. Though such information comes from scientific research, we do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk, and clinical judgement should always take precedence. Information on the site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Use of Voca Quest is solely at your risk. We make no warranty that (i) Voca Quest will meet your requirements; (ii) the site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free; (iii) the results that may be obtained from the use of the site will be accurate or reliable; and (iv) the quality of any products, information, or other services purchased or obtained by you through the site will meet your expectations. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your use of Voca Quest and its content is in accordance with applicable law. We do not guarantee any results.
Voca Quest may contain links to other websites of interest (including social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube). Such links are unavailable to a child user. The exception to this is YouTube, as help and tutorial videos hosted on YouTube will be available to all users. Once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question .
Other than the content you own, under these Terms, Therapy Box and/or its licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials contained in VocaQuest. You are granted limited license only for purposes of viewing and utilising the material contained on VocaQuest, within VocaQuest. It is permitted to print resources for in-person use.